Wisdom Teeth
Ipswich Wisdom Tooth Removal
At Raceview Dental, Ipswich, wisdom teeth extractions are performed daily for patients from around Brisbane, Ipswich and the Lockyer Valley. Many people are unaware they have wisdom teeth until they begin to pierce through the gums at the back of their mouths usually between 18-21 years of age. Human evolution is phasing out our wisdom teeth as we no longer need as many big grinding teeth as our diet is much more refined nowadays than in the time of our ancestors.
Our jaws are getting much smaller and as such we are finding there is often not enough room for wisdom teeth.
Impacted wisdom teeth can cause many concerns with pain usually being the primary reason people show up at Raceview Dental, Ipswich. The pain occurs usually as a result of infection of either the gums around the wisdom tooth (Pericoronitis) or decay of the wisdom tooth as they are extremely difficult to clean being so far back in the mouth. If left untreated, the infections can spread and become quite serious leading to difficulty breathing and a multitude of other health problems.
Wisdom teeth can also cause crowding of other teeth. Many of our patients from all over Ipswich visit our dentists because they are concerned with the shifting of their front teeth and they think this may be caused by their wisdom teeth.
Many dentists in Ipswich will refer patients to get their wisdom teeth removed under a general anaesthetic (where patients are put to sleep) because they do not have the training and expertise to conduct safe wisdom tooth extraction under a local anaesthetic in the dental chair. General anaesthetic adds costs such as private hospital and anaesthetist fees and in most cases these costs can be avoided by having your teeth removed while you are awake, using a local anaesthetic.

At Raceview Dental Surgery, Ipswich – Dr Nauv Kashyap has extensive training of and experience in the safe removal of impacted wisdom teeth. Extractions are mainly performed in the chair under local anaesthesia and this ensures the patient is completely numb throughout the procedure feeling absolutely no pain. If you, or we, feel your wisdom teeth require removal under general anaesthetic, we have a list at Ipswich Day Surgery Hospital and can perform wisdom teeth extractions while you are put to sleep by a specialist anaesthetist.
At Raceview Dental Surgery, Dr Kashyap has performed many wisdom teeth extractions on patients from all over Ipswich and surrounding areas. He is also a visiting dental surgeon to many other practices in the South East Queensland region, where he undertakes removal of wisdom teeth under local anaesthesia.
Here is a video that Dr Nauv Kashyap has made of an extraction of a complex, impacted wisdom tooth. Please ignore the technical jargon – This is a instructional video he has made to help other dentists both in Ipswich and all over Australia conduct safe wisdom tooth extractions. He regularly mentors other dentists locally and nationally in the safe removal of teeth.
If you have been referred to have your wisdom teeth under general anaesthesia and are unable to meet the costs, please feel free to book an appointment with Dr Kashyap to find out ALL YOUR OPTIONS with regards to wisdom teeth or to simply get a second opinion. Our surgery has performed many safe wisdom tooth extractions on Ipswich patients.